Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Perhaps Tomorrow

This blog has started off with a bit of a negative tone. This was not my original intention. I had wanted to write posts full of wit, full of insight. So far not so much wit or insight. I suppose I should cut myself a break since I'm only a few days in.

I also suppose it takes some time to develop a blogging style of your own. I read other blogs and wish I was as eloquent. I wish the subject matter and words would flow so freely.

Perhaps tomorrow when the sun shines brighter and the shadows clear the words will spring forth and I will one day be as fluent and charming as the writers of the blogs I love to read.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Top Five Stupid Reactions to Recent Event

A recent shooting in a Connecticut school has left an open void for any and all opinions no matter how relevant or irrelevant they may be. Rather than the focus being on the families and their loss. Or valid views on whether or not there is a way to prevent something like this from happening again, it has become a way for people to hear themselves speak.

This week stupidity abounds and although I had already decided not to put my two cents worth in on this I have decided to post the top five stupidest things I have heard in reference to what has become the topic of the week instead of the tragedy it is.

5. It was the mothers fault (in reference to the gunman), and she should have had him committed long ago.
(A comment I saw on facebook. This is america, land of the free and as far as I know we don't have the power to have someone else committed.)

4. If teachers carried guns this wouldn't have happened.
(An image I saw on another social network. Just what we need teachers walking around with guns in our schools.)

3. Americans hold on to tight to their outdated constitution, guns should be outlawed.
(A comment from a Canadian left on a blog discussing the gun rights issue this tragedy has brought up. Only someone that isn't from the U.S. could take our constitution so lightly.)

2. Obama will use this as an excuse to take our guns away.
(I've seen this one in a few places, same thing that's said anytime there is a shooting. Of course there has yet to be any proof of this.)

1. We've systematically removed God from our schools. Should we be so surprised that schools have become a place for carnage.
( Mike Hukabees opinion stated to Fox News. Go figure, personally I don't see how this created or solves the problem, or what it has to do with a crazy person walking into a school that he was not a part of.)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

An Art Form

I sat waiting on the edge of my seat listening to the ringing on the other end. The phone held to my ear with one hand, a cigarette in the other. I took a deep drag and blew out a long stream of smoke. The phone continued to ring and just as I was about to hang up I heard the hello on the other end.

A part of me was disappointed there was an answer. Another part of me was disappointed in myself for feeling that way.

I knew what was to come, I also knew I had no choice but to call. You would think something awful had happened and I was dreading what I was about to hear but alas this was just a weekly phone call. A call I wish would be fresh and enjoyable. A call I wish I could look forward to.

Why is it that a simple phone call to your mother can set you so on edge. The thought of listening to the same complaints you heard the week before can be unnerving to say the least. Don't get me wrong I love my mother and love to talk and spend time with her but there are times when it's all I can do to listen to the... the... Well, the outright bitching about anything and everything. "sigh" I hate to say it that way but it is what it is.

Listen is what I do despite the fact sometimes I would rather walk across hot coals. Listening is what she needs and bitching is what she loves. Complaining can be an art form and some people seem to perfect it as they get older.

I listen and I feel guilty for not wanting to. I tell myself its a good learning experience to listen. It lets me know that life really is how you look at it and there will always be those that see it in all it's splendor and those that see it in it's most insignificant ways. So, I call and I listen to the complaints of the day. The complaints that are often the same complaints of another day, and I hope for those rare occasions when there aren't any complaints and laughter and good will fills the line.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Whats the point?

Does the internet really need another blog?

No, no, not really.

So why start a blog? I guess a bit of boredom comes into play. Also there seems to be a strange need to write about those things the come to mind when I'm in those in between moments.

So there you have it my reasons for this blog. Nothing fancy, just some random thoughts in the interim.